Turn your child into a software developer.

Hackingtons gives your child the mentorship, motivation, and coding skills that public schools don't teach.

Our students build video games, websites, & Python applications. $140/month tuition | Ages 8 - 16.

EditorTry it!

Happy kids coding
Cathleen profile picture


5 Star symbol

"He loves it more than anything he's ever done."

4,000 successful students

Your child will...

girl holding her black belt certificate award

Earn Achievement Rankings

Our curriculum is project-based and students earn awards as they progress towards the black-belt level.

Hackingtons sign behind a group of trophies about to be handed out to competition winners

Join Fun Events

We host coding competitions and social events, both in-person and online.

girl holding her black belt certificate award

Make Friends

Our students share many common interests, including Minecraft, Roblox, Fortnite, and all things digital.

Hackingtons sign behind a group of trophies about to be handed out to competition winners

Learn Professional Skills

Every student has a public portfolio that highlights all the websites, video games, and applications built each lesson.

Now available on

Under the mentorship of Teacher Andrew, our Game Development Team worked together to build a 100% original game. After months of hard work, they have officially released it to the STEAM marketplace. Congrats to everyone involved!

STEAM Release Date: Friday Jan 17th
Andrew Tijey Noah Nikhil Rigyal Bruce Cameron Cami Brendan Min Dominic Philip James Vivienne Yash Naomi
*Not everyone on the team is pictured

Together We Build Great Things:

Hackingtons brings people together over coding with funny and inspirational teachers...
-Celia T. (age 11)

Hackingtons gives many great and entertaining opportunities to kids all around the world... they show the fun the computer world can bring. -Aman S. (age 12)

I've attended many coding programs, but only Hackingtons focused on building practical applications for the real world.
-Yaroslav A. (age 15)